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Showing posts from December, 2019

"Mulan" (2020)

I'm pretty sure Mulan's village is Belle's village from Beauty and the Beast , just redressed. I am bummed that Mushu won't make an appearance in the movie, but it may be for the best. Honestly, the original film was really the Mushu Movie because he's all everyone really remembers from the movie, with the exception of "Be a Man". With that in mind, did they substitute Mushu with a witch? I don't recall anything magic in the original film. Do we really need magic in a film that already contains martial arts? We see Mulan's father collapse on the ground when he tried to accept the call to arms. That should have indicated that he is unfit for combat. Would they have exempted him for his injury but commended him for his honor and heart? Or would they be assholes and put him on the front lines, be the first to die? If they were indeed willing to exempt Mulan's father from combat, then there wouldn't be a reason for Mulan to go. She woul

"Black Widow"

Think Avengers: Endgame is the current pinnacle of this franchise? Think again. With the demise of Black Widow, I have questions about how they're going to make a Black Widow movie if she's dead. I did read that this takes place between Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War . So there's that, I guess. Also, I'm feeling Umbrella Academy vibes here as we will likely be diving more into the Black Widow training that made Natasha who she is today. We find out where Chief Hopper went though. He escaped through the Upside Down and is now leading a life as a superhero of some sort. Or villain. Who knows at this point? In theaters: May 1, 2020 Click image to view URL.