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Showing posts from November, 2019


Isn't this basically Alien underwater? And isn't this an attempt to try and turn Kristen Stewart into Ellen Ripley? And who would have thought that because T.J. Miller was in this it'll be good? Also I wouldn't be surprised if the thing was some kind of Kraken or an Octoshark. And I would be expecting to see Godzilla show up in a post credits scene. In theaters: January 10, 2020 Click image to view URL. 

"Sonic The Hedgehog"

Honestly, I liked the original design better. But if the studio decided to go this route, they should have saved their money and made a cartoon instead. Plus, they went from "Gangster's Paradise" to that one song from Spider-Man: Homecoming , which diminishes any hopes I had for the film. I'm glad Jim Carrey is back to his goofy self, but it was too much. In theaters: February 14, 2020 Click image to view URL. 


Guys, we need to talk about war dramas. They are all the same. You know how this will end.  If it were a story that failed, then it would be about the bravery of the men who died carrying out the message, and they would advertise that way.  For once, I'd like to see a twist ending where the men depicted in this movie actually failed to deliver the message. I'm not asking for the resulting massacre. I just don't want another Saving Private Ryan story. In theaters: December 25, 2019 Click image to view URL.