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Showing posts from January, 2020

"The Fast Saga: F9"

I know a lot of you said this franchise ran out of ideas a long time ago. I'm now starting to agree with you. Since when did Dom have a big, burly, white brother? And why was he never mentioned? This is a copy and paste story of the Shaw brothers. Dom is little Owen and John Cena is Deckard. I see Mia returned to the scene  Where's Brian? Is stuck at home with Jack. Are they divorced. Is she just craving adventure? Does SHE miss the bullets? Speaking of bullets, Cipher and her ugly-as-sin hair are back. You know, if she was such a good hacker that Anonymous wouldn't dare mess with her, she would have known that Dom had a brother and went after him first. I'm still waiting to see if Mr. Nobody is gonna be back. I have a theory that he's been running the operation this whole time. From Owen to Deckard to Cipher, and now John Cena. When they do F10, that's when it'll unfold. And speaking of unfolding, what the f*ck is Han doing still alive? That means


Move over, Batman, there's a new bat-crazed hero on the screen. Or villain, I guess. It's good to see the Sony-Marvel Universe slowly taking off. While it's an origin story for Michael Morbius, it will definitely be lead to the third Spider-Man movie. And I knew Toomes would be back. I knew it! There is talk about bringing the Sinister Six to the big screen, Maybe this is how they will do it. Give each member a movie to allow mainstream audiences to get to know the characters before Peter can resurface and face them all. In theaters: July 31, 2020 Click image to view URL.


I remember this one. Will Smith was in it. Yeah, and Margot Robbie, and the Joker, the one everyone hates. No? Oh, wait. I remember now. Vin Diesel was also in this one where he's talking about your brain shutting down during cryosleep. No? Wait, wasn't Arnie in this one? You know, " Al be bahck ." Terminator? No? "I was a warrior who dreamed of bringing peace." No? Well, guys, it's wracking my brain. I can't quite remember where I saw this before. Wait, Memento ? Is it Memento ? No? Damn it! In theaters: February 21, 2020 Click image to view URL.