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"Gemini Man"

This is off of Will Smith's official YouTube page, I apologize for that beginning bit.
I feel like this is the premise of Looper except that one person is playing both characters. It is very common in film to have one person play two people. Usually it was a twin trick in comedy films. In Big Business, Bette Midler and Lily Tomlin both played two sets of twins where one twin from each set was separated and paired as Lily and Bette and Bette and Lily.
It is also common to have two versions of the same character appear on the same screen. But they were often cast with two separate people. In the 2009 film reboot of Star Trek, Zachary Quinto played a younger Spock while Leonard Nimoy reprised his role as an older Spock.
While it's still revolutionary to have one person play an older and younger version of the same character in the same frame, this isn't new. As far as I can tell, Avengers: Endgame did it first. During the Time Heist, Steve Rogers, performed by Chris Evans, comes across his younger self in an alternate dimension, also performed by Chris Evans, making it one of the memorable moments in the film.
In the behind-the-scenes clip after this trailer, Will Smith says that the 23-year-old version is a complete digital creation performed by him. No one else plays him. Okay, but what about when the two characters interact or even fight? Someone has to be the other guy. You expect me to believe that you were throwing punches into the air as one character, and in the next take you're dodging imaginary punches as the other character. Then when the two takes merge, you hope they come out perfect? That's bullsh*t, dawg.
Then, there's the government coming after both of them shtick. Where have we seen this before? Oh, yeah, every buddy cop movie ever.
Guys, it'll be cool to see, for sure, but I doubt it'll be great.

In theaters: October 11, 2019
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