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"Avengers: Endgame"

I have watched every MCU movie at this point, so I am up to date. Stay tuned on my "Movie Thoughts" page for those posts.

Now, I know this is just the first trailer, and the Russo Brothers are doing everything they can to keep this movie quiet, but I NEED MORE!!!!! Tony sending a love letter, everyone b*tching about death and Thanos, and Scott coming to the rescue. THAT'S IT!
Also, why is Tony still calling Pepper Miss Potts? They've been on a first name basis since Iron Man 2.
And how is Scott Lang normal size now? Last I checked he was still stuck in the quantum realm because The Three Pyms died. Did he use the magic discs like in the first Ant-Man?
But I'm still going to see it.
In theaters: April 26, 2019

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