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"Captain Marvel"

I have watched every MCU movie at this point, so I am up to date. Stay tuned on my "Movie Thoughts" page for those posts. she a Replicant? She has memories of a life on Earth, but she has powers that I don't understand. She can emit plasma rays from her hands, and conduct electricity. I assume she's also strong because she was in the Air Force.

What kind of Asgardian bullsh*t is this? So she DID have a life but when she crashed at some point, a group of discount Ravagers, who also weren't scary enough to be Dark Elves, scooped her up, juiced her up like Captain America, and she is Marvel's Supergirl. Is that what she is? Also they threw in a bit of Men in Black with her kicking the old granny's butt, who manages to hold her own. 
Also, how are any of these trailers chock full of nineties' nostalgia? All I saw was she crashed into a Blockbuster Video and teamed up with fat nineties Samuel L. Jackson. Has anyone seen Samuel L. Jackson in nineties? He was a skinny motherf*cker. Need references? Jurassic Park, Pulp Fiction, Die Hard with a Vengeance. And speaking of Men in Black, since the crossover with the Jump Street franchise is no longer happening, maybe the Men in Black should show up in Avengers: Endgame because, guess what Men in Black is Marvel property. But do you know what else? The Kick Ass franchise. And the Kingsmen franchise. They can join too.
All in all, you know I'm definitely going to see this.
In theaters: March 8, 2019

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