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"Men in Black: International"

Not sure if you call it a long awaited return, but I was genuinely happy to see another installment. However, I believe it failed to recapture the magic it once held twenty years ago.
Tessa Thompson's character has been searching for the MIB headquarters for the said twenty years. Someone did not do a good job hiding the very existence of MIB. No one has willingly joined the MIB. They were recruited. No one is concerned by this? Will Smith chased a cephlapod on door.
Then Agent M (not Mike Myers) gets transferred to MIB International in London, ran by Brian Mills, and gets assigned with Chris Hemsworth, the blondest agent ever. Compared to him, Tessa seemed to have studied the MIB Wikipedia page because she was more in tune than Chris, and it's infuriating. She whips the neuralizer like it's nothing and expected similar results, which, to her luck, she does. When Chris couldn't find the little red button, she presses it and it has a delay before the car room off into the sky. That should've been funny, but I say F you to that.
Calling your business international with only two branches is like saying you're a nationwide superstore with only 300 stores across five states. You know who you are. And why international at all? Shouldn't you have a base on the moon or something, call it interstellar?
Why isn't there an alien agent yet protecting the earth? Those worm things don't count; they had their chance.
I probably won't go see it in theaters. Maybe when I find it in Netflix or my local library. It doesn't seem worth spending the money.
In theaters: June 14, 2019

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  1. I will totally go see it if sexy Mister Hemsworth is in it. Plus it looks like there's a lot of chick power so yeaaah. I will totally spend my $9 to go see this on the big screen when it comes to my tiny little town and it's been on DVD for 3 months


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